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Constitution Day - "The Constitution, Law and the Judiciary"

Picture of a written copy of the U.S. Constitution

On Wednesday, Sept. 20, there will be a public lecture by Judge Cole Adams Maier, Chief Circuit Judge, Kentucky's 25th Judicial Circuit, titled "The Constitution, Law and the Judiciary.” It will be at 12:30 p.m. in Rader Hall, Room 112.  

Morehead State University's Department of History, Philosophy, Politics, Global Studies & Legal Studies has programs for careers in government, law, public service, social service positions, nonprofit organizations, private businesses and more. Pursue education abroad, participate in service projects, complete exciting internship opportunities and collaborate with faculty members in scholarly research.

For more information or to explore MSU's Department of History, Philosophy, Politics, Global Studies and Legal Studies programs, email or call 606-783-2655