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Star Theater Public Show - Unseen Universe

image with Earth over Moon Horizon and Star Theater logo

About the show: "Unseen Universe"

Unseen Universe invites you to enter the wondrous new age of exploration and understanding. For millions of years, our view of the heavens was limited by our eyes, allowing us to see only a narrow band of electromagnetic radiation we call visible light. Now, we have the technology that allows us to look at the sky with superhuman sight and accuracy. The planetarium shows Unseen Universe and presents an exciting look at cutting-edge astronomy. Learn more about the supercomputers that link clusters of telescopes and continents apart. Follow the fleet of space-borne observatories that extend our senses across space and time. Find out how the new detectors, accompanied by software that merges different observations, transform what we can do from Earth. See the invisible made visible.

Duration: 25 minutes



The Space Science Center's Star Theater at Morehead State University is a state-of-the-art digital planetarium serving the surrounding area of Eastern Kentucky. The planetarium offers public shows on second and fourth Saturdays throughout the year on a first-come, first-served basis; reservations do not need to be made in advance. Tickets may be purchased with cash or a check at the door. We cannot take credit cards. Typically, a planetarium show includes a special feature from our extensive program library as well as a tour of the night sky. We offer laser shows on Saturdays throughout the year.


Ronald G. Eaglin Space Science Center
235 Martindale Dr.
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-9593

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