PAc-31 Professional Librarians
Policy: PAc-31
Subject: Professional Librarians Approval Date: 05/17/91, 12/05/2019
Revision Date: 12/05/2019
Last Review Date: 12/05/2019
To establish the employment category of Professional Librarian within the Division of Academic Affairs and to delineate generally their rights, privileges, and responsibilities.
Professional Librarians are academic personnel employed to serve the University community through the Camden-Carroll Library in the Division of Academic Affairs.
Professional Librarians must qualify as Librarian I, Librarian II, Librarian III, or Librarian IV by virtue of their degrees, experience, and professional development and achievement (as defined in UAR 116.05, “Guidelines Specific to Librarians”). Professional Librarians must undergo annual review of performance, and they must undergo peer and administrative review when applying for promotion.
Professional Librarians participate in the shared governance of the University through regular membership on appropriate standing and ad hoc committees.
As academic personnel, Professional Librarians are eligible for sabbatical and educational leaves and may apply to the University for institutional funds set aside for research and other forms of professional development. Professional Librarians have the rights and responsibilities of academic freedom and due process. Professional Librarians are subject to the guidelines pertaining to termination for cause or financial exigency.
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