Spanish Minor

Expand your skill set with a minor that complements virtually any major.
Undergraduate Minor
21 Credit Hours
What You’ll Learn in the program
Gain skills speaking, reading and understanding Spanish. Explore Spanish language and culture and participate in exciting overseas study opportunities. You can even participate in research being conducted on classroom language acquisition.
What You Can Do with a spanish minor
A minor in Spanish is useful in virtually any career field where verbal and written communication skills are valued. Pursue careers in government work, international business, translating and interpreting, teaching and tourism, among others.
Admission to the Spanish minor
To enroll in the minor, you must be a student at MSU with a chosen major.
Placement Testing
We strongly recommend that you take a placement examination in Spanish if you have studied the language previously and intend to continue your Spanish studies at MSU. For more information, contact Dr. Philip Krummrich at or 783-2726. Those who begin in a more advanced class will have the opportunity to earn credit by examination for the classes they do not need to take.
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Courses & Info
View Academic CatalogDepartment of Communication, Media, Art & Design
Learn MoreContact Us
Department of English & Modern Languages
111 Breckinridge Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-9448