Teacher Leader, M.A.

Learn the skills to initiate change in education.
12 Credit Hours
What You'll Learn in the teacher leader program
Connect teachers and administrators, especially in identifying what's working and what's not, to improve educational processes and policy. You can become an advocate for the needs of a particular grade level, school or district. Choose a fifth-year option to earn a master’s degree in one year or a traditional Master of Arts option.
What You Can Do with a teacher leader degree
You'll be prepared for several positions, including resource teacher, consultant, committee chair, and instructional leader among your peers in your individual school or district.
Degree Options
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader Alternative Concentration
- Master of Arts in Education - Biology (dual credit) Concentration
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader English (dual credit) Concentration
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader Gifted Education Endorsement
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader IECE Concentration
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader Interdisciplinary P-5 Concentration
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader Literacy Specialist Endorsement
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader Mathematics (dual credit) Concentration
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader Middle Grades 5-9 Concentration
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader School Community Leader (Non-National Board Certification) Concentration
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader Social Studies Concentration
- Master of Arts in Education - Teacher Leader Special Education Concentration
More information
See the current catalog for detailed requirements.
Morehead State CatalogFoundational & Grad. Studies in Ed. Department
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Department of Foundational & Graduate Studies in Education
503 Ginger Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: fgse@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2261
FAX: 606-783-5032