Applying for Financial Aid
Completing the FAFSA and navigating the financial aid process can seem complicated. Let us walk you through the process.
Start with the FAFSA
Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (or FAFSA) is an essential first step for every student exploring financial aid.
You’ll complete a new FAFSA every year. The FAFSA opens in January 2024 — file it as soon as you can after that date. Use Morehead State’s federal school code: 001976.
If you need help completing the FAFSA, call 800-4-FEDAID (800-433-3243) or talk to an MSU financial aid counselor at 606-783-2011.
Not sure you’re eligible for aid or have additional questions? See our breakdown of common FAFSA questions.
2024-25 FAFSA Updates
If you are applying for aid, there are significant changes to the FAFSA (federal app for aid). You will need to apply as soon as possible during your senior year.

Additional Aid Forms
If you need to complete additional forms—for example, tuition waivers—find them on our financial aid forms page.
See below for a step-by-step guide to applying for aid or download a printable version. See our financial aid timeline for additional info on key dates and tasks.
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for Aid
To apply for financial aid, register for a federal student aid ID and complete the FAFSA at Complete a new FAFSA every year as soon as you can after October 1.
The U.S. Department of Education selects a sample of financial aid applicants for a process called verification. Morehead State partners with the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority on verification services.
If you’re selected for verification, you may need to provide additional information about family income, taxes, household size, and more. We can’t award your aid until you’re verified.
Once you submit your FAFSA (and complete verification, if selected) watch your MyMoreheadState account and your MSU email for your financial aid offer letter.
We may adjust your financial aid offer based on your verification. We’ll email you whenever changes are made to your financial aid.
Log into your MyMoreheadState account to review, accept, or decline your financial aid awards. Select Self-Service, Financial Aid, and the appropriate aid year from the dropdown menu.
Remember to check your current billing information by selecting Self-Service and Student Finance. Be sure to select the current term.
Make sure you accept the Financial Responsibility Agreement. Choose Financial Agreement from the Helpful Links menu, select the appropriate term, and click Submit. Read the agreement, select Accept, and click Submit.
If you’ve accepted aid that includes federal student loans and are a first-time borrower, you’ll need to visit to complete entrance counseling and e-sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN).
Be sure to complete this step even if you’ve accepted your aid—loans included—through MyMoreheadState. Your federal loans will be disbursed only once you’ve completed counseling and signed your MPN.
Once you’ve accepted your aid, check whether you have enough resources to cover your costs for each semester.
If you need additional assistance, consider these options:
- Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan: Your parent (or stepparent) may be able to apply for this loan. Look for a printable application by logging into MyMoreheadState and selecting Self-Service, Resources, and Forms.
- Private loan: Learn about private loans.
- Payment plan: MSU offers a payment plan for students—email or call the billing office at 606-783-2019 for assistance.
More Aid Application Resources
Info for Parents
Learn how parents and guardians can assist in the financial aid process.
Summer Aid
Learn about using your aid during Morehead State’s summer session.
Winter Aid
Learn about using your aid during Morehead State’s winter session.
Contact US
Office of Financial Aid
121 E. Second St.
Morehead, KY 40351
FAFSA Code 001976
PHONE: 606-783-2011
FAX: 606-783-2293