Affordability and Value
Hammonds receives Sarah Blanton Memorial Scholarship
Hammonds graduated from Paintsville High School (PHS) and is the son of Anthony and Stephanie Hammonds. He plans to major in engineering and technology management with the goal of pursuing a career in mechanical engineering upon graduation.
“Being awarded this scholarship is a true honor. I am grateful for the financial support the Blanton family has provided. This scholarship will be a tremendous help.” Hammonds wrote.
The scholarship’s namesake, Sarah Ashley Blanton was a 2005 graduate of PHS and a graduate of MSU with a BBA degree in Marketing. Blanton passed away in 2009. She was the daughter of Daryl E. and Valerie Blanton of Oil Springs. The family established this annual scholarship in her memory.
“Our family is happy to be able to provide assistance for a Paintsville student going on to MSU to pursue their education. We hope this scholarship encourages them to do their best in school and work hard to achieve their goals,” said Valerie Blanton, an MSU alumna who attends the PHS awards ceremony annually to present the scholarship.
Additional information is available by contacting MSU’s Enrollment Services at 606-783-2000 or the MSU Foundation Inc. at 606-783-2033 or at
TOP: Pictured from left are Anthony Hammonds, scholarship recipient, and Valerie Blanton, the scholarship namesake’s mother.
BOTTOM: Sarah Ashley Blanton