Administration and Leadership
Board of Regents holds quarterly meeting
The Morehead State University Board of Regents held its quarterly meeting today (Thursday, Sept. 6) in the DeMoss Suite of the Center for Health, Education and Research.
The Board of Regents retired into executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c) to discuss pending litigation and pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(b) to discuss matters relating to the future acquisition or sale of real property where publicity would be likely to affect the value of a specific piece of property to be acquired or sold. No action was taken while in closed session.
After returning to business, the board approved a revision to the graduation fee, authorized an inter-local agreement with Bluegrass and Central Kentucky Unified Police Protection System (BACKUPPS) and confirmed the membership of the Friends of the Kentucky Folk Art Center, Inc.
The board also authorized the closure of the following programs/academic offerings:
Picture above, from left, Sylvia Henneberg, Svea Carter, John Haky, Dr. Jay Morgan

President Jay Morgan recognized Dr. Sylvia Henneberg, professor of English; John Haky, assistant director of housing; and Svea Carter, graduate assistant with the Campus Activities Board, for their outstanding leadership, service and dedication to the University.
The Board of Regents retired into executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c) to discuss pending litigation and pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(b) to discuss matters relating to the future acquisition or sale of real property where publicity would be likely to affect the value of a specific piece of property to be acquired or sold. No action was taken while in closed session.
After returning to business, the board approved a revision to the graduation fee, authorized an inter-local agreement with Bluegrass and Central Kentucky Unified Police Protection System (BACKUPPS) and confirmed the membership of the Friends of the Kentucky Folk Art Center, Inc.
The board also authorized the closure of the following programs/academic offerings:
- Educational Specialist in Counseling: Licensed Professional Counseling Associate
- Bachelor of Arts Health Education Major with Teacher Certification (P-12) program
- Bachelor of Arts Health and Physical Education Area with Teacher Certification (P-12) program
- Physical Education Major with Teacher Certification (P-12) program
- Astronomy Minor
Picture above, from left, Sylvia Henneberg, Svea Carter, John Haky, Dr. Jay Morgan