Academic Excellence
Craft Academy student Roxy Lockard to serve on KDE Commissioner's Student Advisory Council

Lockard, a native of Georgetown, said she learned of the opportunity to serve on the council from Rachel Rogers, Craft Academy QEP director. She said she was immediately interested in applying for the council.
"I am someone who has always been heavily driven by education and learning - evident by my choice to attend college at 16," Lockard said. "Moreover, I am the child of two educators, so I was raised with an immersive view into the education industry and its inner functions. Serving on this council will allow me to advocate for an industry that I support and immerse myself in and create concrete changes for my fellow peers and teachers."
Lockard is one of 18 students chosen from a pool of more than 400 statewide applicants for the council. To apply, she completed a written application and was interviewed by KDE administrators. She says one issue she plans to tackle as a council member is making sure students with physical and mental health issues receive the academic accommodations they need to excel.
"As a student who juggles both a physical disability and mental illness, I know firsthand the heavy impact this can have on educational performance. I would really like to focus on awareness regarding disability in the school system and work on implementing structures that ensure all students have equity in their learning." Lockard added she will also focus on increasing awareness and support for gifted and talented programs across the state.
Lockard says it's important for the Academy to be represented on the council because of its position as an elite STEM school in Kentucky.
"Craft Academy, alongside Gatton, holds a strong position in Kentucky. It is a program filled with bright pupils with an intent focus on STEM, leadership and guiding the new world. The council needs people like these, and Craft deserves to have a voice, ensuring that its students receive proper accommodation as well," Lockard said.
The Craft Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics is a dual-credit postsecondary program for academically exceptional Kentucky students. Craft Academy provides students with a postsecondary residential experience to complete their junior and senior years of high school by enrolling in college courses. The Craft Academy's purpose is to meet the unique educational needs of academically gifted and talented high school juniors and seniors in the Commonwealth.
To learn more about the Academy, visit, email or call 606-783-2093.