Student Emergency Resources
Students who don't have adequate food and essential items can't perform as well academically. When students struggle with these issues, we can help. Eagle Essentials is a food and supply pantry that is free to students. We also have the NEST Fund, the Student Hardship Assistance Resource Emergency (SHARE), and the Eagle Emergency Loan Fund. These can provide financial assistance to students during times of need.
Students who don't have adequate food and essential items can't perform as well academically. When students struggle with these issues, Eagle Essentials can help. It provides students everyday items at no cost, including non-perishable food, hygiene products, and school supplies. It's located at 212 ADUC.
The Eagle Emergency Loan Fund provides short-term, interest-free loans to students facing financial barriers that interfere with their ability to continue or be successful in their education at MSU.
The loan fund does provide direct funding to the student. If approved, the recipient must complete a repayment agreement before funding can be received. Repayment terms will be customized to the student’s situation. In the event a loan is not repaid, the MSU Foundation reserves the right to place a financial hold on the student account.
Examples of expenses that may qualify for the Eagle Emergency Loan Fund include but are not limited to:
- Transportation costs for a commuting student
- Unexpected educational expenses
- Childcare expenses
- Short-term living expense coverage while waiting for Financial Aid processing
Request Assistance
The NEST Fund may, in some cases, provide one-time scholarship awards to assist with tuition or book expenses if a student is deemed eligible. To be considered, students must be in good academic standing and demonstrate a viable path to degree completion.
The Student Hardship Assistance Resource Exchange (SHARE) Fund is a fund that directly supports MSU students during times of financial hardship due to an unexpected emergency or life-altering situation. Typical expenses that the SHARE fund may cover include but are not limited to:
- Necessary medications/prescriptions
- Short-term assistance with rent or utilities due to an emergency
- Safety-related needs (i.e. changing a lock on a vehicle or room)
- Replacement of personal property due to a fire or natural disaster
- Fuel expenses due to unexpected travel
In most cases, SHARE support is awarded as a limited gift card or direct payment to your expense. The SHARE fund does not award direct cash, and awards do not require repayment.
To be considered, please complete the appropriate form:
Qualifying for Assistance
Are you still unsure if your situation would qualify for any of the resources listed above? Below are a few more examples.
- I have a limited meal plan and don’t have a lot of additional funding to purchase groceries.”
- We never want a student to go hungry – for food and grocery needs requests, we recommend that all students utilize Eagle Essentials. If a need still persists, you may consider completing the student emergency resources application, where you could be considered for a SHARE Fund award in the form of a Kroger gift card.
- "My family home burned down last weekend, and many of my school supplies were lost in the fire.”
- We recommend you complete the student emergency resources application. Your situation best fits the SHARE Fund, where you could receive a gift card to help replace some of your belongings.
- "I don’t make enough money at my part-time job to continue paying my rent.”
- The SHARE Fund and Eagle Emergency Loan Fund require an emergent cause – something unexpected has caused a strain on your income. In general, not making enough money to pay your living expenses does not qualify as an emergency within the scope of these programs.
- "I’m a commuting non-traditional student. My social work program requires me to complete a practicum that cuts into the paid work hours I can complete at my other job. If I can’t work as many hours at my other job, I can’t pay my tuition or other living expenses.”
- We recommend you complete the student emergency resources application. Your situation is best fit for the Eagle Emergency Loan Fund. If approved, your loan could help offset the loss of income due to a temporary reduction of your hours.
- I’m entering my senior year, but I’m unable to cover my full tuition bill this year. I want to complete my degree.”
- We recommend you complete one of the applications below. Your situation may qualify you for a NEST Fund Scholarship.
Please note: all of these funds are provided through the generosity of donors. These funds are meant to be utilized after you have explored all other viable avenues of assistance.
Apply for Assistance

If you'd like to help students with emergency needs, you may donate to Eagle Essentials, or donate to the NEST Fund, to provide resources through the Eagle Emergency Loan Fund, NEST and SHARE funds.
Contact Us
Student Emergency Resources
For Fund Info
Sydnee Wellman
121 E. Second Street
Morehead, KY 40351
For Eagle Essentials
Melisa Patrick
Suite 217 ADUC
Morehead, KY 40351