Faculty Experience
Faculty Experience is MSU’s early warning system that allows faculty and instructors to submit concerns of potential poor academic performance and/or behavioral warning signs that threaten retention.
The Office of Retention and Academic Advising is the primary gatekeeper of academic alert submissions. Student Affairs, specifically the Dean of Students, is the primary gatekeeper for behavioral (or non-academic) retention alerts.
If you have concerns about a student, please submit an alert through Faculty Experience and retention staff will follow up with the student.
Faculty Experience Quick Reference
Recommended Protocol for Faculty Experience
- Log in to my.moreheadstate.edu and select "Faculty Experience" from the icons on the right.
- Select the course and section.
- Select the student for whom you need to submit an alert.
- Select the alert reason. Click "Next."
- Enter any notes you have about the student. Click "Next."
- Review and submit. A green "success" box will appear once the alert is submitted.
If you have problems submitting an alert, contact the MSU Information Technology Help Desk at 606-783-4357.
For additional information about Faculty Experience, contact the Office of Retention and Academic Advising at aare@moreheadstate.edu or 606-783-2084.
Contact Us
Academic Advising
101 Camden-Carroll Library
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: aare@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2084