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Celebration of Student Scholarship

The purpose of the Annual MSU Celebration of Student Scholarship is to share and showcase the outstanding work of students involved in research, scholarship, creative work, and performance arts to the campus community. Initiated in the Spring of 2006, the annual celebration has grown into a day-long event of presentations, exhibitions, and performances by students from all colleges, including Business and Technology, Education, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, and Science.

Over the past two decades, the involvement of students in faculty-mentored research, scholarly, and creative work has been a rapidly growing national phenomenon. Engaging students in faculty-mentored scholarly activities at the undergraduate level has been shown to enhance student intellectual development, increase the number of students pursuing advanced degrees, and enhance retention and graduation rates. At MSU, faculty in all disciplines are engaging students, outside the traditional classroom setting, in their professional scholarly endeavors. Based upon these collaborations, students are presenting, exhibiting, and performing at state, regional, and national forums.

All undergraduate and graduate students, including all Undergraduate Research Fellows, working with faculty on any type of scholarly endeavor within their discipline (research, creative productions, community engagement, etc.) are encouraged to present their work as an oral or poster presentation. In addition to independent research projects, we welcome submissions that reflect experiences of undergraduate research, community engagement, internships, education abroad, or Level UP experiences.

Submit abstracts


Writing an Abstract

An abstract is a concise statement of the major elements of a research project and/or scholarly work. It should contain: 

  • An introduction  
  • A purpose, objective or hypothesis 
  • Results of the project if it is complete. 
  • Conclusions drawn from what was learned.  


  • Should be written in past tense (with the understanding that at the time of submission your work may still be in progress).  
  • Avoid technical jargon and define all abbreviations.  
  • Use of the term "we" rather than "I."  

Please note when submitting an abstract, there is a limit of no more than 200 characters for the title. The body of the abstract is limited to 250 words. 



Visit the Scholarworks archive to view past years' posters. 

CSS 2024 Photos

View more pics on Flickr.

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Center for Career Development & Experiential Education

Ground floor, Camden-Carroll Library
150 University Blvd.
Morehead, KY 40351

PHONE: 606-783-2233