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Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program Faculty FAQ

If you’re looking to know if the request has been approved or if you’re not sure where in the hiring process the URF is, you can contact the Coordinator of Undergraduate Research. They will be able to tell you if the request has been approved or not and where in the hiring process the URF is. However, the Coordinator will not know anything else, such as how far through onboarding the student is, etc. The suggestion will be to contact the office your application is sitting with (Financial Aid, Human Resources, etc.).

There is a form specifically for grant-funded URFs. Instead of providing department codes accounts line, you’ll just need the grant information.

If you are the time entry supervisor for your URF, then you’ll have to approve their timesheet. Information on how to do that is here. Scroll down to the faculty section and find ‘Time Approval.’

If your URF quits at any point, please inform the Coordinator of Undergraduate Research. They will take care of canceling the URF with Human Resources. You might want to pass the information along to your department chair/associate dean and your college dean.

If you haven’t heard from your URF, reach out to them and let them know if they aren’t working/communicating with you, their URF will be cancelled. If you don’t hear back or the student wishes to quit, let the Coordinator know and the URF will be cancelled. You might want to pass the information along to your department chair/associate dean and your college dean.

If you find the student is not working their appropriate number of hours per week, let the Coordinator know.

This is an easy fix. An email needs to be sent to someone in payroll, saying the time supervisor needs to be changed along with the following information: student’s name, ID number, and the name of the new supervisor. You should be able to send this email yourself, but the Coordinator can do it as well. They’ll just need that information.

Unfortunately, if the pay rate needs to be changed, a new PAR will need to be filed, which can take some time to process. Please let the Coordinator know what the pay rate should be and they will submit the new PAR.

Yes, some faculty mentors will work with the same student for three/four years.