Protocol Preparation & Submission
Faculty, staff, students and volunteers participating in IACUC-approved animal activities at MSU are required to complete Animal Care Worker Compliance. Documentation of compliance must be on file in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
You will receive an email from Research and Sponsored Programs containing instructions for completing the Animal Care Worker Compliance.
Principal investigators/researchers planning to involve animals in research, teaching, or testing must:
- Complete requirements for OLAW-mandated Animal Care Worker Compliance.
- Complete CITI Training: Working with the IACUC and species-appropriate modules.
- Submit one original signed protocol, including all applicable items – permits and CITI training certification) to no later than 4 p.m. on the due date to provide sufficient time for review. APPLICATION FORMS ARE AVAILABLE on the Protocol Forms page.
No animals shall be involved in research, teaching, or testing without an approved protocol by the IACUC.
- Contact the attending veterinarian prior to submission of the protocol to discuss the animal procedures
- Complete Animal Care Worker Compliance
- Attach copies of CITI Training for Principal Investigators
- Attach copies of permits (if applicable)
- Attach copies of radiation safety documents (if applicable)
- Current vita (updated every three years)
Contact Information
Research & Sponsored Programs
901 Ginger Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2010
FAX: 606-783-2130