Benefits of Being an Eagle Scholar
Morehead State's Eagle Scholars Program gives you a headstart on your college career while you're in high school. In this program, you will take college courses for credit taught by MSU professors and qualified instructors. You'll get credit towards high school graduation and college credit.
"The Eagle Scholars program prepared me for my academic career. The first few weeks I was on campus, I could focus on my social experience and get involved with the campus community. The preparation I had when I left high school is arguably the largest contributing factor to my success."

Presley Boyer, senior
Biomedical Sciences
Louisa, Kentucky
Student Government Association President

Being an Eagle Scholar combines quality, affordability and convenience. You get college classes without the college price. You don't have to travel and can take these courses during your high school schedule.
The Eagle Scholar Dual-Credit Program provides:
- MSU-qualified instructors who are teachers from your high school.
- Nearly 50 courses across all areas, including general education requirements and some specialized courses.
- Free college-level courses.
- The ability to complete college courses on MSU's main campus at a discounted rate ($91/credit hour).
- Early admission to MSU.
- Priority awarding of student housing and scholarships due to early admission to MSU.
Contact Information
Eagle Scholars
407 Ginger Hall
Morehead, KY
PHONE: 606-783-2594
FAX: 606-783-9103