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Parking Information

Any motor vehicle parked on University-controlled property must display a valid Morehead State University decal or permit. The type of permit indicates where the vehicle may be parked. The use of a motor vehicle on MSU property is a privilege and is permitted under the provisions established in the University Motor Vehicle Regulations. Any violation may result in towing at the owner's expense. 

For comments or questions concerning any of the parking regulations, you may contact us at 606-783-2220.

Parking Map

Any motor vehicle parked on Morehead State University-controlled property, Monday-Friday from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., must display a valid MSU parking permit. The type of permit indicates the areas where the vehicle may be parked. Use of a motor vehicle on MSU property is a privilege and is permitted under the provisions established in the University Motor Vehicle Regulations. Any violation may result in towing at the owner's expense. 


The purpose of these regulations is to expedite the safe and orderly conduct of University business and vehicular activity and to ensure maximum use of available parking facilities. 


By virtue of the authority vested in the Board of Regents via the provisions of the KRS 164.950 - 164.990, regulations pertaining to the operation of vehicles by faculty, staff, students, and visitors are hereby established and set forth. 


No liability is created by the granting of parking or vehicle operating privileges on property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the University. The University assumes no responsibility for the care of or protection of vehicles or contents while operated or parked on University property. 

Who may register 

Only students, faculty, or staff members may register a motor vehicle with the University. A valid Morehead State University parking permit must be displayed on vehicles parked on property owned or controlled by Morehead State University. Enforcement of parking permit requirements is continuously enforced. 

How to register 

Faculty, staff members, and students may register vehicles online. The student or a member of his or her immediate family must own vehicles registered by students. (The Chief of Police may waive this requirement when the vehicle owner is a guardian or has some other definable relationship to the student desiring to register the vehicle.) 

Go to Parking App


Temporary & guest passes 

Free guest permits are available 24 hours a day at the University Police Department for persons visiting campus. Persons attending special University-sponsored institutes or seminars must obtain a visitor pass from the University Police. University sponsors of such groups can make advanced parking arrangements through the University Police Traffic Office. Visitor parking permits may not be distributed to Students, Faculty or Staff for use. Any Student, Faculty or Staff member caught using a visitor permit will be charged with fraudulent use of decal, which carries a very strict penalty of loss of parking privileges, Impoundment fee, ticket fee and Fraudulent decal fee. 

Students or faculty and staff who require temporary vehicle registration may purchase a temporary permit at $10 per week. Student, faculty, and staff temporary registrations may not exceed two (2) weeks per semester unless specifically approved by the Chief of Police. 

Lost or stolen permits 

A lost or stolen permit must be reported to the Traffic Office at the time of loss. Lost permits may be replaced according to the fee chart. Stolen permits will be replaced for a $25 fee after the stolen permit report is completed. 

  1. It is impossible to mark with signs or paint all areas of University property where parking is prohibited. However, the following guidelines are strictly enforced 24 hours per day. It is illegal to: 
    1. Double park
    2. Park in reserved areas
    3. Park in spaces reserved for the disabled
    4. Park in loading or unloading areas, service entrances, or construction areas
    5. Park on the grass, sidewalks, crosswalks, in parking lot driveways, straddling lanes or adjacent to or over yellow lines or curbs
    6. Park in lanes marked for fire hydrants
    7. Park in driving lanes
  2. Every vehicle must be parked between two parking space lines (ordinarily white) or space markers on a paved lot. The fact that one vehicle is parked to occupy more than one parking space is not an acceptable excuse for another operator to do the same. In gravel lots, legal spaces will be marked by bumper blocks or otherwise designated by post and cables. Parking shall not be extended beyond these designated lanes. 
  3. Vehicles are not permitted in areas or spaces closed by the use of barricades, traffic cones, or other traffic control devices. 
  4. Individuals may not perform vehicle maintenance on University property other than to make minor emergency repairs. 
  5. Individuals who receive six or more parking tickets in a vehicle registration period may lose their parking privileges for the remainder of that academic year. 
  6. In the case of curb parking, all vehicles must be parked in the direction of the traffic flow. 
  7. Zone parking is enforced in all zones from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday with the exception of AH zones which will be enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
  8. Permits will not be issued for vehicles that are not considered operational. If issued, such permits may be revoked immediately upon discovery. 
  9. Due to construction and parking area maintenance, vehicles must be removed from MSU property during periods when the University is not in session. For example, vehicles may not remain over the summer when the student is not enrolled. Permission to leave vehicles over break periods may be obtained from the University Police Department. Vehicles that must be moved for any reason will be towed at the owner's expense. 
  10. Students, except for graduate assistants, may not utilize an employee (E) permit. This restriction includes relatives and family members of employees. The use of such a permit will be considered fraudulent registration and will be treated accordingly.

Morehead State University Police Department is authorized to tow, impound, or immobilize, at the owner's expense, vehicles from University property under the following circumstances: 

  1. When a vehicle is determined to be in violation of parking regulations. 
  2. When a vehicle should be removed for reasons of safety of persons or for fire, flood, snow, or other emergencies. 
  3. When a vehicle is unattended and constitutes a hazard or obstruction to traffic or is left under circumstances that indicate it has been abandoned. Unserviceable vehicles on campus for extended time periods will be considered abandoned vehicles. 
  4. When a vehicle is unregistered and /or has accumulated three or more unpaid parking tickets. All impounded vehicles may be held until all outstanding assessments have been paid. 
  5. When assessments on a vehicle are unpaid at the end of an academic session, the vehicle may be impounded until all unpaid assessments have been satisfied (KRS 164.975). 

A vehicle is deemed to be impounded when it has been located by an officer of the University Police Department and the towing process initiated, even though the tow truck has not yet arrived. Procedures have been established for the release of an impounded vehicle without a tow in some situations and will be explained to any vehicle owner/operator returning to an impounded vehicle. The unauthorized removal of an impounded vehicle may be grounds for revocation of parking privileges and possible criminal charges. 

Impounded vehicles not claimed by their owners within 90 days will be considered abandoned and disposed of. 

  1. The traffic laws established by the Kentucky Revised Statutes apply on University property. 
  2. The speed limit is 20 mph (5 mph in parking lots) unless otherwise posted. 
  3. Unsafe operation of a motor vehicle is grounds for revocation of parking and driving privileges on property owned or controlled by the University. 
  4. Accidents occurring on University property should be reported immediately to the University Police Department. Draft copies of accident reports are available within 10 business days. 
  5. Motorists must give the right of way to pedestrian traffic at crosswalks. 
  6. Motor vehicles must meet all equipment and safety standards prescribed by Kentucky Revised Statutes. 
  7. City, state, and local law enforcement agencies have enforcement rights on all MSU property.

Family Responsibility: An employee or student is responsible for citations issued to vehicles registered in his or her name or to his or her family. 

Finding Authorized Space: The responsibility of finding an authorized parking space rests with the driver. Lack of parking space, mechanical problems, inclement weather conditions, or other disabilities are not considered valid excuses for violation of traffic and parking regulations. Ignorance of, or failure to receive a copy of the motor vehicle regulations is not an excuse for a violation. 

Space Availability: The registration of a motor vehicle does not guarantee the availability of a parking space. 

Enforcement: Failure of the University to strictly enforce any parking regulation shall not be construed as a waiver for the future enforcement of the regulations. Parking tickets may be issued every four hours except as noted for timed spaces and short-term loading zones. 

Permit Display: Parking permits or visitor passes must be displayed according to the parking regulations or special instructions provided by the University Police at the time of issuance. A parking decal or permit is not considered valid unless it is displayed correctly on the vehicle. 

The registration of a motor vehicle does not guarantee a parking space. Permits are not issued to individuals with unpaid parking assessments. Decals/permits remain the property of MSU and are subject to confiscation or withdrawal by representatives of Morehead State University Police Department. Decals/permits are not transferable and will be turned in to the University Police and Traffic Office if the individual terminates employment or student status. 

Fees are not refundable. Only one permit shall be issued to an employee or student. The individual who registers for the permit will be responsible for parking violations by any vehicle bearing this permit. All permits expire on August 15. 

Permits may be purchased online.

Permit Placement: To be valid, the permit must be displayed from the rearview mirror and must be clearly visible. A permit must not be defaced or altered. If the permit is not properly displayed the vehicle will be treated as an unregistered vehicle. 

Permit Fees 

Permit fees for students, faculty, and staff are as follows: 

Purchase Date Yearly Fee
August 1 to December 31      $480.00 (Reserved Spaces) 
$190.00 (Zone S)
$180.00 (Zone AH, AZ, C, and E) 
$100.00 (Zone O- Overflow)
January 1 to May 31      $315.00 (Reserved Spaces) 
$128.00 (Zone S)
$120.00 (Zone AH, AZ, C, and E) 
$65.00 (Zone O- Overflow)
June 1 to July 31 $80.00 (Reserved Spaces) 
$48.00 (Zone S)
$45.00 (Zone AH, AZ, C, and E) 
$25.00 (Zone O-Overflow)

The type of permit determines parking privileges. Areas for parking are indicated at entrances to parking areas using signs or painted bumper blocks, curbs, and on the University map. In case of conflicting information, signs and markings are presumed to be the most recent and take precedence over conflicting parking map designations. Zones are as follows: 

  • Zone E - This zone is reserved for employees displaying valid E permits. AZ permits and visitor permits are also valid.
  • Zone C - This zone is issued on a first-come, first-served basis for graduate students and seniors. To be eligible for a commuter permit, a student must have completed more than 90 hours, reside at the MSU Farm, or have all classes in the CHER building (nursing/imaging sciences majors). Permits designated C, E and AZ are valid in Zone C.
  • Zone O - This zone, located south of the US 60 bypass, is the primary authorized parking area for persons possessing the Zone O parking permit. AH, AZ, E, S, and C permits are also valid in these lots.
  • Zone AH - This zone is reserved exclusively for persons residing in Apartment Housing with a valid zone AH permit. AZ permits are valid for disabled and faculty/staff residents of Apartment Housing. This zone is enforced 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
  • Zone S - This zone is for students residing in campus housing. Zone S, E, and AZ parking permits are valid in Zone S.
  • Reserved Spaces - These zones are for persons possessing the corresponding permit number. No other person other than the one registered for the space is allowed to park in numbered, reserved spaces.
  • Student Reserved Spaces - These areas (designated R1, R2, and R3) are reserved 24 hours a day.
  • Zone A or AZ - This zone, behind the Baptist Student Union, at the KCTM parking lot and parking around the Athletic Complex, is authorized parking for any person possessing a valid MSU parking permit. All zones are valid in these areas.
  • Zone RET - This zone is for retirees of Morehead State University who possess the RET permit. This permit is valid in E, S, AZ and C Zones only. Retirees using the RET permit are not permitted to park in AH Zones (Apartment Housing) or Numbered Spaces.

Parking for persons with disabilities: Upon presentation of the “Application for Handicapped Special Parking Permit” (Kentucky form TC 96-204) or similar verification for persons with vehicles registered in other states, persons with a valid state-issued disabled parking permit may be issued an AZ (All Zone) MSU permit. This permit, when displayed with the state-issued permit, authorizes parking in spaces marked as reserved for disabled persons and most MSU parking zones (excluded are reserved, yellow zones, and parking meters, unless properly paid). Persons displaying disabled permits (including temporary permits) that they are not entitled to use risk revocation of University parking privileges for “fraudulent registration.” 

Parking for temporarily disabled persons: A person with medically verifiable temporary disabilities may exchange their parking permit for a temporary AZ permit which grants similar privileges as the permanent AZ permit, except that it does not authorize the use of spaces marked for disabled persons. This temporary permit will be issued based on written verification of need from a medical physician. The permit will be issued for the period specified by the physician, not to exceed 6 weeks in one semester. 

Loading/unloading zones: A student loading/unloading zone has been designated close to each student residence hall. All loading zones are for the short term, 15 minutes or less, loading and unloading. They are enforced 24 hours a day or as indicated by the times posted on the sign. Violators are subject to towing at their own expense. 

The registrant and operator of a motor vehicle at MSU is responsible for violations of University regulations involving the vehicle. Operators are responsible for all violations of Kentucky Revised Statutes. 

Fraudulent registration of a motor vehicle will result in a $200 assessment and the revocation of a person's permit privileges for the remainder of the registration period. Persons contributing to this offense by fraudulently selling, giving, loaning, or otherwise permitting an unauthorized person to use a permit assigned to them shall also be revoked for the remainder of the registration period. The use or possession of permits that were lost, stolen, altered, or purchased from any source other than Morehead State University Police Department is considered fraudulent registration. The illegal possession of a lost or stolen permit may result in criminal prosecution. 

Fines are assessed according to the following table: 

Minimum Fine After 7 Days
1. Unregistered vehicle $40 $50
2. Improper display $40 $50
3. Reserved space $40 $50
4. Yellow zone $40 $50
5. Disabled space $200 $200
6. Blocking driveway $40 $50
7. Double parking $40 $50
8. Timed spaces $40 $50
9. Improper zone $40 $50
10. Parked in a driving lane $40      $50
11. No marked space $40 $50
12. Fraudulent use      $200 $200
13. Fire lane $200 $200
14. Other $40 $50

Payment: Assessments for violation of motor vehicle regulations may be paid at the University Police Traffic Office, 100 Laughlin Health Building, between 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. All citations, except the offense of fire lane, fraudulent registration, and unauthorized use of spaces for disabled persons, will incur late penalties if not paid within seven days from the time of issuance. 

Unregistered Vehicles: One parking violation notice for parking without a valid permit or visitor pass may be excused if the vehicle is registered within 48 hours after the notice was issued. All other violations for unregistered vehicles will result in an assessment of $40 for each offense. 

Unpaid Assessments: Students having unpaid assessments at the end of an academic session are not permitted further admission to the University or to receive transcripts of credits until all assessments are paid. If students have unpaid assessments upon leaving the University, regulations state their records will be held until assessments are paid. Employees with unpaid assessments will be denied subsequent year parking privileges until all unpaid assessments have been paid. 

If the assessments are not paid before the end of the academic term, administrative processes in accordance with University policy will be taken to collect outstanding debt. Payment is required prior to further admission to or release of records from the University, and/or vehicle may be impounded (KRS 164.975) until the assessments have been paid. 

An appeal must be filed within ten days following the date of the parking violation notice. Parking assessments must be paid prior to the appeal being forwarded to the Traffic Appeals Committee. Appeals that cannot be resolved by Morehead State University Police staff will be forwarded to the committee. University Police personnel will not be members of that committee. Refund checks are issued if the appeal is upheld. 

During summer sessions, any student decal is valid in any student zone. Decal O, S, C, AZ, and AH are valid in zones S or C. Zones E, AH and Reserved are enforced as normal during summer sessions. 

Morehead State University encourages the use of bicycles by members of the University community. Those individuals using bicycles on the campus must adhere to the following regulations: 

  1. Bicycle riders must follow the standard rules of the road. 
  2. Bicycle riders must follow the normal flow of traffic. 
  3. Bicycles are not to be chained to a railing, trees, etc. 
  4. Bicycle riders are to utilize the bicycle racks provided by the University. 

  1. Vehicles must be registered with Morehead State University Police if they utilize university-owned or leased parking. 
  2. Vehicles must be parked in their designated zone, in an appropriately marked space, and display a valid permit. 
  3. Violators with three or more unpaid parking assessments have given cause for their vehicles to be towed at their own expense and impounded until all assessments have been paid. 
  4. Violations of any parking regulation may result in towing and impound at the owner's/operator's expense. 
  5. Illegal possession of a parking permit reported as stolen or lost will result in a revocation of campus parking privileges and may result in criminal prosecution. 
NOTE: These regulations are effective August 15, annually, and are subject to change when necessary to facilitate the parking and traffic program.

Contact MSU PD

MSU Police Department

Education Services Building
627 E. Main Street
Morehead, KY 40351

For parking and traffic, email

PHONE: 606-783-2035
PHONE: Call 911 for emergencies.