Activating Your MSU Account
Upon acceptance as a student or employee at MSU, you will receive an email with your username (Eagle ID) and an initial password. Please follow these instructions to activate your account.
- Open a browser (ex. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) window on your computer and make sure your phone is nearby.
- Make sure that you are logged out of all other accounts on this computer.
- Go to the website
- When prompted to Sign In, enter your MSU account in the format – and click NEXT.
- When prompted for your password, enter your initial password which will be in the format - #Msummddyyyy!!! (mmddyyyy is your 2-digit birth month, 2-digit birth date, and 4-digit birth year) For example, if you were born on March 23rd, 1939, your default password would be #Msu03231939!!!
- Click Sign In.
- When prompted with More information required page. Click Next to configure your Multi-Factor Authentication.
- All instructions for the Microsoft Authenticator application will be performed on your mobile device. All instructions for Office 365 will be performed on your PC or Mac computer. You cannot complete this process solely from your mobile device.
- When prompted, download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device. The app can be obtained from the Google Play and Apple App Store.
- Click Next once the Microsoft Authenticator app is installed and open it on your mobile device.
- Allow notifications on your mobile device if prompted and select Add an account – Work or School.
- Select Scan a QR code on your mobile device.
- Click Next on your PC and scan the QR code image on your PC monitor with your mobile device.
- You should receive a message Account Added Successfully on your mobile device.
- Click Next on your PC and enter the number on your PC into your authenticator app.
- Click Next on your PC.
- At the Success! Page click Done.
- Next, you will be prompted to update your password.
- First, you will enter your existing initial password
- You will then enter a newly created password twice. This password will be generated by you and should follow these requirements:
- Not contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters.
- Be at least 12 characters in length.
- Contain characters from three of the following four categories:
- English uppercase characters (A through Z)
- English lowercase characters (a through z)
- Base 10 digits (0 through 9) \
- Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %) \
- In addition, every password change and reset runs through a banned password checker. When a new password is submitted, it's fuzzy-matched against a list of words that no one ever should have in their password (and l33t-sp3@k spelling doesn't help). If it matches, it's rejected, and the user is asked to choose a password that's harder to guess. We build the list of the most commonly attacked passwords and update it frequently.
- Click Sign In.
- If the complexity of your new password is sufficient to meet the requirements, you will then be prompted to stay signed in. If this is a private device, you can click Yes. If this is a public device, you should click No.
- Click Next on the More Information Required box.
- Next, you will be prompted to update your password.

- When prompted, enter a Recovery Email address. This address should be a non-MSU email address you have access to now. The address will be used to allow a self-service password reset if needed in the future. Click Add.
- You will receive an email to this address with a 6-digit code to confirm that this is a legitimate email address.
- Please enter the code when prompted.
- A notification will be prompted when this is completed successfully.
- Click Done.
- Your MSU account is now available for use.
- Please log out of by clicking on your name in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Please confirm that you can log back into to verify account access is properly established.
- If you cannot complete this process, please call the IT Help Desk at 606-783-4357 during business hours.
If you need assistance, please call the IT Service Desk at 606-783-4357 or submit a ticket.
Contact the Service Desk
Information Technology Service Desk
111 Ginger Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-4357
FAX: 606-783-5078