Studio Art Minor

Strengthen your studio art experience.
Undergraduate Minor
24 Credit Hours
What You'll learn in the studio art minor program
Gain a greater knowledge of studio art through various artistic disciplines and media. Learn about two-dimensional traditional art, three-dimensional disciplines like ceramics and sculpture, and digital media. Studio art minors frequently participate in department-sponsored field trips to world-class museums, cultural centers and special events.
What You Can Do with a studio art minor
The minor complements various creative degree programs while providing a strong foundation in studio art. It allows you to tap into your creative potential and increase your marketability in several career fields or explore the discipline before deciding on further graduate studies.
Admission to the studio art minor Program
Follow the standard undergraduate application process and declare a major to become a studio art minor student at Morehead State.
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Courses & Info
View Academic CatalogDepartment of Communications, Media, Art & Design
Learn MoreContact Us
Department of Communication, Media, Art & Design
211A Claypool-Young Art Building
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2766
FAX: 606-783-2457