Guidelines on Institutional Response to AIDS
Morehead State University provides information on how to prevent the transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus consistent with the Centers for Disease Control guidelines to all freshmen and transfer students by way of the student handbook that is located on the MSU webpage. The names and telephone number of health care professionals trained to counsel persons about the human immunodeficiency virus are listed.
The Guidelines on Institutional Response to AIDS has followed the guidelines and recommendations of the American College Health Association for institutions of higher education in developing this response to the epidemic of infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which causes the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). In a campus environment, many students encounter new independence, self-determination, and strong peer pressures to adopt certain behaviors. For some students, an uncertain sense of identify and self-esteem can further complicate decision-making.
Experimentation with sexual behaviors and/or drug use may put University students at a greater risk of HIV infection. Young adults often feel invincible and tend to deny personal risk. Many people in campus communities believe that HIV infection and AIDS are problems faced elsewhere. The prolonged latency between infection with HIV and the eventual development of full-blown AIDS will promote the relative invisibility of the infection, an effect that seems to validate the myth among students and some faculty and administrators that “it cannot happen here.” HIV infection is potentially lethal, but absolutely preventable. Morehead State University acknowledges the fact that HIV infection and AIDS can happen on any campus. MSU is committed to doing all within its limits to prevent people from becoming infected, to limit the consequences of established infection, and to provide compassionate care for all concerned individuals. The primary response to the epidemic of HIV infection on the MSU campus is education. The offices of Counseling and Health Services and Student Wellness are responsible for the organization and implementation of effective educational programs about AIDS and HIV infection. In designing the format and content of educational programs, the rich diversity of members of the campus community will be recognized and addressed.
Opportunities for effective learning by people of any age, ability, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation will be provided. The focus of educational and training programs will be to increase awareness and provide education to prevent the spread of the virus. In order for educational programs to be effective, they must provide current information; use reliable, up-to-date materials; and be both easily accessible and widely available. The Director of Counseling and Health Services and the director of Human Resources will meet periodically to plan for the distribution of HIV/AIDS information and related materials. Educational programs are of utmost importance in discharging the institution’s responsibility to protect its students and staff from the transmission of HIV. Medical evidence consistently indicates that no actual safety risks are created in the usual workplace or academic setting. These guidelines apply to all students or employees with HIV infection. Current knowledge indicates that students or employees with any form of HIV infection do not pose a health risk to other students or employees in an academic setting. The Public Health Service states that there is no risk created by living in the same place as an infected person, being coughed or sneezed upon by an infected person, casual kissing, or swimming in a pool with an infected person. Health care workers with clinical responsibilities and certain laboratory technicians have a very small but real risk of HIV infection through direct contact with contaminated blood or laboratory preparations. Most such exposures can be prevented by consistent adherence to established infection control guidelines.
- Morehead State University will respond to each case concerning students or employees with HIV infection as required by its particular facts.
- Advice and consultation are available from Counseling and Health Services to students, faculty, and staff who have concerns for themselves or others that they suspect of being infected with HIV/AIDS.
- Students desiring confidential testing for HIV or who may suspect that they have contracted the infection or are concerned about symptoms of an AIDS-related condition should report to Counseling and Health Services. Appropriate evaluation and counseling will follow. Faculty and staff who suspect HIV/AIDS symptoms or exposure to HIV are urged to immediately contact their private health care provider or their county health department.
- The diagnosing clinician in Counseling and Health Services will report suspected or confirmed cases of HIV/AIDS to the Director of Counseling and Health Services. The Director of Counseling and Health Services will advise the Department of Public Health as per guidelines. Upon the recommendation of the Director of Counseling and Health Services, an appropriate group to include a University selected health care provider and University legal counsel will review a University employee’s or student’s individual case.
- Persons with AIDS itself (and possibly those with other manifestations of HIV infection) will be considered as having handicapping conditions. Existing support services for people with handicapping conditions can be appropriately and effectively utilized by students or employees disabled by HIV infection.
- Students who have HIV infection, whether they are symptomatic or not, will be allowed regular classroom attendance in an unrestricted manner as long as they are physically and mentally able to attend class.
- There is no medical justification for restricting the access of persons with HIV infection to campus facilities.
- Decisions about housing for students with HIV infection will be made on a case-by-case basis. The best currently available medical information does not indicate any risk to those sharing residence with infected individuals. In some circumstances, however, there may be reasonable concern for the health of those with immune deficiencies (of any origin) when those persons might be exposed to certain contagious diseases in a close living situation. The Director of Counseling and Health Services may recommend to housing officials that students with immune deficiencies be assigned private rooms when available in order to protect the health of the immune deficient student.
The Director of Counseling and Health Services is responsible for monitoring the University’s compliance to KRS 164.351. - The Director of Counseling and Health Services will initiate the annual review of these guidelines with the Director of Human Resources. Recommendations for changes will be forwarded to the general counsel and on to the President and the executive council for review and final approval.
- Counseling and Health Services staff are specifically trained in counseling and educating students about HIV/AIDS. They may be contacted at the Counseling and Health Services, first floor, Allie Young Hall, 783-2055, or Student Wellness, 112 Allie Young Hall, 783-5248. Counseling and Health Services is a counseling and testing site for HIV/AIDS.
Contact the Dean of Students
Max Ammons, Dean of Students
227 ADUC
Morehead, KY 40351
PHONE: 606-783-2070
PHONE: 606-783-2014