Political Science Minor

Gain an introduction to the American political process.
Undergraduate Minor
21 Credit Hours
What You'll Learn in the political science Minor Program
Learn aspects of government like public law, political theory, international relations and cooperative politics.
What You Can Do with a political science Minor
This minor complements several degree programs to help you pursue various careers in law and government, including judge, attorney, public policy analyst and campaign manager. This minor also benefits students applying for law school or other graduate programs.
Admission to the political science Minor program
Follow the standard undergraduate application process and choose a major to become a political science minor student at Morehead State.
More Information
Courses & Info
View Academic CatalogDepartment of History, Philosophy, Politics, Global and Legal Studies
Learn MoreContact
Department of History, Philosophy, Politics, Global & Legal Studies
354 Rader Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
EMAIL: hpgl@moreheadstate.edu
PHONE: 606-783-2655
FAX: 606-783-5096